How to Read and Study the Bible

The Details

We have the most important book ever written in the history of man, the Bible. However, for the majority of Christians it is confusing and some of it makes little sense. This is partly due to some incorrectly translated words, wrong definitions and a push to understand the book from the view point of those who hate the book's author. The world is upside down, not the Kingdom of God.

Hopefully this will help.

The people of Biblical Israel are not Jews. The words Jew and Israel are not interchangeable. They are not the same people.

There is no Spiritual Israel. The modern day Jews are not the Israel of the Bible. The people descended from Jacob do not know who they are for the most part as the Bible says would happen.

The new covenant is specifically made with the same people as the older covenant. There has never been any changes nor additions to that covenant.

Christ came to redeem His people. Christ did not fail. Promises were made and kept by God. To suggest that now other people have replaced Israel makes God a promise breaker and liar.

The true Biblical people who are physical Israel have heard and do hear Christ's voice for almost 2000 years and for the most part follow Him just as Christ declared. Just because they don't know they are true physical Israel and think they are some "Gentile" people doesn't mean they are not Israel.

God has not done anything without telling His prophets. There has never been any declaration suggesting that non-Israelites have now been made a part of the covenant. All the verses that appear to say that do not in the Greek.

Israel is not just one nation of people. There were several promises made to Bible patriarchs that their physical children would become many nations. This has happened. Israel has taken the light of the Gospel to the world forming many nations as they went as scripture promised would happen.

God has morals. His morals are found in His Law. God does not change. His Law is not done away.

We must love our enemies, but loving God's enemies is treason. Loving and helping those who hate God brings punishment from God on us. It is this and our ignoring of scriptures that tell us to keep physically separate from those whom scripture specifies that has gotten us into the mess we are in today.


If you want to understand the Bible the way it was intended to be understood then you must use God's definitions for words. Here is a list of words. Each of the following words are defined in the Bible itself, most are defined in the old testament.

Adoption, glory, covenants, Law, service of God, promises, elect, Called, The Called, children, chosen, royal priesthood, holy nation, peculiar or special treasure, treasure, grapes, olives, even wild olives and sheep. Afar off and those near. Brother and neighbor. "Not a people", food.

When you see the word Jew in the old testament read Judahite. When you see the word Jew in the new testament read Judaean. When you see the word Gentile in the Bible read Nation. Let the context determine the who. Many times it is Israel or a portion of Israel such as the Ten Northern Tribes.

Even the word divorce is found when it should read "separated" or "separated, still married". Most have the wrong definition for adultery, adulteration.

One must take into account all of the old testament quotes found in the new testament. The author of the Bible expects you to know the context of each quote in order to fully understand the meaning intended. Ignoring this has created much false doctrine.

The modern day Jews are not, and have never been, God's Israel people as proven by the bible, history and even Jewish writings. As a people they are anti-Christ. By their own writings, 90% are of Khazar, Ashkenaz descent through Japheth. Esau is Edom, Genesis 36. "Edom is in modern Jewry", The Jewish Encyclopedia. 9% are of Edomite, Canaanite descent. These are the descendants of those who argued with Christ and saw to Christ's death. See what Christ told them in John 5, 8 and 10. They admitted they were not Israelites and Christ told them they were not. Blessing God's enemies brings punishment to us. 2 John 1:7, 9-11 and 2 Chronicles 19:2.

Self study is more important than any article you have ever read unless it really helped you to understand scripture. Nothing else is better. Just read your bible.

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