Let each have her own husband!

1 Corinthians 7:2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

The scripture says it, but is it possible? If this verse is true then a Christian woman should be able to expect that she could have a good Christian man as a husband. I think we can safely suggest that the verse does not include the obtaining of non-Christian men for husbands since scripture forbids this. There has always been a large imbalance in the male to female population. I used to think that this was only at certain ages, but apparently it is not. Once a woman has a husband, she may feel sorry for those who didn't obtain one for a bit, but then realize that it's not just about getting one. It is also about keeping one. Those who didn't get a husband realize that if they want to get one they'll have to resort to taking one from another woman. The competition and ill feelings are not healthy and they are not good for the husbands either. Both husbands and wives come out of this battle with many scars. Even still the new wife then realizes that she also has to do more than just get a husband, she must keep him. For those who have not been through this it seems surreal, but for those who have been through a divorce and remarriage it becomes a nightmare.

Well God does not say something in scripture if it's not true. The above verse is possible, but as usual we are the problem. We must humble ourselves and listen to God's idea for marriage. Here is what the above verse says in the Greek.

1 Corinthians 7:2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

The first instance of the word "own" is from the Greek word heautou which is a pronoun showing exclusive ownership of the object, the wife.

The second instance of the word "own" is from the Greek word idios which is an adjective showing shared ownership of the object, the husband.

God inspired Paul to write 1 Corinthians 7:2 with specific meaning that has unfortunately been hidden in English translations that have been vague in their meaning. God has not abandoned women to fighting, winning and losing what they want and need in a mate. We just need to start doing things God's way and not by our own selfish standards. Do we really care about our single Christian sisters?

Gospel Minutes.org

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Let each have her own husband!

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